
How’s Ramadhan with you and your child? Are you finding it difficult to train your child in Ramadhan? A few tips I can share with you are as follows:

  1. Do not force them…. the word is training. But training you must. You can train them fasting for half the day or just drinking, no food. Inshaallah lets target by the 20th Ramadhan at least they can fast for a few days. Or encourage them to fast two days a week. If they can do that willingly….Mashaa Allah let’s celebrate!
  1. Give them activities to do. If your child is in daycare then ensure that the school has many activities for our kids to do to divert their mind from food! If they are at home with you then create activities like storytelling and art and craft so that they will have something to do. A word of caution, not too much tab or tv please!
  1.  Keep talking about the rewards that Allah will give in Ramadhan if we fast. Relate to Allah’s reward and pleasure so that we can train them to fast to please Allah. Allah loves good khalifah who fast. If Allah is happy we will enter Jannah…in Jannah we can eat as many things as we like. If Allah is happy we will live a happy life.
  1. Remind them of all the children who do not have food in this world. Show them a few pictures of children who are malnourished so that they can think and have sympathy and empathy for these unfortunate children. Teach them to also give sadaqah and make doa for these children because they are also our brothers and sisters.


Inshaa Allah may these few tips can help us all to train our children towards becoming a good khalifah of Allah.

Children are naturally inclined to love. It is in their fitrah to wanting love and attention. And it is in their fitrah to believe in Allah swt as the creator of their beautiful world. As the child is growing  towards the age of rationality, parents should guide them in learning what is self control and the right and wrong ways of showing their feelings such as anger and jealousy. Till then, the child is not held accountable for his deeds.

Use words that create delight in the child’s heart such as,

“Aiman, Allah loves those who share their toys with friends. Now let’s play together with brother Haziq”

“Masyallah, such a clever girl you are Aisha. Can you show mummy how clever girls clean up their toys?”

“Zara, did you like the toy Abah bought you yesterday? If you want more beautiful gifts from Allah, you must eat all your vegetables. Allah loves us to be healthy.”

As said by Rasulullah saw,

”The pen is lifted from three people (i.e. their deeds are not recorded): The child until he reaches puberty, the person who is insane until he comes to his senses and the person who is asleep until he wakes up.’’ (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah)

Assalamualaikum wbt dear parents,

Ramadhan is nearing and as parents, we would love to see our children practicing the deed with us.

And so, here is a fun way to encourage your child using the Little Caliphs Ramadhan Chart and Stickers!


One day of fasting earns your child one sticker on the calendar chart.

To encourage the child even more, even a half day of fasting effort deserves a sticker.

The sticker comes in many type of words such as Subhanallah, Masyallah, Alhamdulillah etc therefore you can pick and choose which is most suitable for the day’s achievement.

This wonderful chart is only priced at RM6 per chart. If you’d like to purchase one, please visit a Little Caliphs Kindergarten near you. Click on the link to find out our nearest branches.

LC Branches

Have a blessed Ramadhan.

Jazakumullah khair, wassalam.

Education by Setting Example 

Every parent wants the best for their children. We wish for them to have a bright and happy future. As Muslim parents we always pray that our children are pious and have good conduct, behaviour and values according to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Education for children is very important in a Muslim family. It starts when the baby is born and cuddled in his mother’s arms. A mother is important in a child’s life. A mother is a child’s first madrasah or school for the child. A loving and patient father and mother are the source of inspiration for a child. The environment of a home also influences the child’s upbringing. A learning child repeats whatever the parents do or say especially during their pre school years. Muslim parents is to pass along what we’ve learned – to teach our children values which is the nucleus in choreographing their behaviour.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

Every born child is born on the original (innateness), then his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or Magan. ( Bukhari)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the role model in Muslim life.The Ever Gloriuos Quran says, “Indeexd you have already had affair example in the Messenger of Allah”. (AlAhzab:21)

To have our children following the example which the Prophet (pbuh) gave in the field of worship and morals is a n ambition in every Muslim family. There are many things that a

Muslim parents can learn from prophet Muhammad especially his ways and values that can help us in bringing up our child. Allow me to share with you some of these great values that should be embedded within us as bases for preparing children religiously, morally, educationally, psychologically and socially.

  1. Ar Rahman ( Loving)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a loving man. His love towards his ummah was pure. It was a love binded by the strong faith of Islam. As parents, Allah swt has provided us with love to bring up our children and to educate them as effectively as we can. A child brought up with love will always be kind and loving towards others. If you have to correct your child, do it with a loving heart, objectively and not emotionally.

  1. As Sabr (patient)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has attained the climax of patience, whether in the harshness of the Bedouins or in his treatment of the enemies’ past arrogance after the victory over them. As parents, patience is an essential ingredience needed in educating our child. As mentined before , parenting is like going on a long journey with your child, one that’s filled with a lot of twists and turns. With patience, parents will be able to through this journey and their children will step ahead with confidence towards their future.

  1. Al Hilm ( Kindness)

In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) praised one of his companion Asadji Abdil Qays,

“Indeed you have two attributes and behaviour that Allah swt likes, that is Al Hilm

( kindness) and Al Anah ( calmness)”.

Parents should always be kind towards their children. Teach them to respect and be kind to others especially towards the old and the needy. Teach them to have compassion towards those less fortunate than them and show them through examples led by you on how to help these people. A child brought up by criticism will always criticize others and those brought up with kindness will propagate love and values around them.

  1. Al Fathonah ( Wisdom)

The wisdom of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is acknowledged by both friends and foes. Here is a great example which was recorded by history so that we may know the wise policy which sprang from his wit and great morals. As parents we need wisdom to help our children in their growing years. A child’s potential should be recognized and tapped. His inquisitive mind and questions thrown to us should be answered appropriately. His faults should be addressed diplomatically. Teach them to take responsibility for their own action and help them to overcome the tendency to blame others for his difficulties. Always speak the truth to them and help them through life’s challenges with commitment and personal excellence.

  1. Al Afwan ( forgiving)

Another great attribute that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) possessed was his willingness to forgive. As parents, having a forgiving heart is utmost important. Children make mistakes and if we keep reminding them and keep highlighting those mistakes they will also keep searching for ours. Show them the values and the tendency to try to accommodate rather than argue. Nurture their ability to understand how other feel rather than simply reacting to them.

  1. Al Tawaddu’( humbleness)

The contemporaries and Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) have unanimously said that he was the one who started greeting his Companions, was attentive to his interlocutor, old or young, and was the last to withdraw his hand when he shook hands. This humbleness is another attribute of Prohet Muhammad (pbuh) that should be followed in educating our children. To show who is the boss and complete authority is not the way shown by our Prophet. In giving advice to your children, don’t forget also to take advice from them. Listen! Through listening you may learn many things that can enhance your wisdom.

Sometimes parents are too proud of their child’s achievement. Be very careful not to exaggerate his abilities. To let him know that we a re proud of him is a must; to make him an object of our achievement is a no! Tell them your expectations but remember to tell them your acceptance too. Do not let your child grow up with a lot of pressure to fulfill his parents’ expectation. Teach them to always try their best and be humble when obtaining the best. Make them understand the limits of body and mind, avoiding the dangers of extreme. If their hard work failed, teach them to stand up and try again. For many great leaders took failures and turned them into strength.

  1. Quwatus Syaksiah (Virtuous Manners abiding by principle)

The ability to influence and not be easily influenced in any situation and condition and being able to analyze each situation objectively and unemotionally are great qualities of leadership shown by our great Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Parents whoa re easily influenced by their environment, who do not stick with their Islamic principles, who are jealous of other people’s achievement will not mature in the process of a child’s upbringing.

A child will have strong principled values if they see that their parents’ principles are always consistent in any circumstances. They are not afraid to tell the truth. They dare to attempt difficult things that are good. They have the strength not to follow the crowd, to say no and mean it and influence others by it. They are true to convictions and they follow good impulses, even when they are unpopular or inconvenient.

Those listed above are some great attributes that we should bring with us in our journey as parents. To me these examples of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are not easy to follow but with Allah’s help and mercy, I pray that Allah swt will always give me the strength and wisdom to carry out the trust and responsibility as parents.


Until then, wabbillahitaufiq, walhidayah.

Assalamualaikum dear parents,

Today, I would like to share with you some ways to train and encourage children to fast in the month of ramadhan.

1.Before the month of Ramadhan

Prepare and mind set your children for the upcoming fasting month of Ramadhan. Always talk to them that a great month is approaching and what Muslims must do during this month. Encourage discussions, questions and answers about the do’s and don’ts while fasting and always tell them the benefits of Ramadhan as stated in the Quran and hadith. When you have succeeded in getting their interest ask them “So, who will fast in this month of Ramadhan?” Parents and children should feel excited in answering this question. Tell them also some funny stories on how you started training for Ramadhan or how the older siblings started theirs. This will encourage the younger ones to follow their siblings’ footsteps.

  1. During the fasting month of Ramadhan.

During iftar.

Prepare your children’s favourite meal and bring them to shops to but their favourite dishes. This is to make them happy and to encourage them. Do remind them though not to overspend, for Allah does not like it if food goes to waste. During iftar, eat together and congratulate each other for the days worth.

During sahur

Before going to bed, remind each other to wake each other up, set the alarm and make dua so that we are able to wake up for sahur. Wake them up gently for sahur and keep an eye on the children, for they are more sleepy than hungry at this time.

While fasting

Be aware not to let the younger siblings not to eat or drink in front of their older siblings who are fasting. And if your young children have started to whine and groan and looking very tired, give them your attention, entertain them, divert their attention to some games or light indoor recreation or bring them outside for a walk. The small children who succeeded to fast the whole day should be hugged, kissed, praised and rewarded and tell them the good news of Allah’s rewards that awaits them.

  1. After Ramadhan

It is suggested that we buy presents for those children who completes their training in the month of Ramadhan. Explain to them what the presents a re for and if they are happy to receive these presents in this world, Allah (swt) will give them anything they want in the hereafter. Also discuss with them how they feel and do they understand the values that parents are trying to instill in them during this training.

In conclusion from what has been mentioned above is that responsibility of faith education is important and serious as it is the source of all virtues. It is the main basis for entering a child into the domain of faith and Islam.

So parents should always refrain from seizing any chance of providing their children with training and guidance that consolidate belief and straightens faith.

Lastly teach your children as the Prophet (pbuh) said to Ibn Abbas:

“O young man, I shall teach you some words….”

“……Learn also that victory comes through endurance and relief comes with distress and that with hardship comes affluence.”


Until then, Wabillahitaufiq walhidayah.

Teaching Skills

During the process of teaching at Little Caliphs Kindergartens you will learn a great deal about how children learn, learning styles, types of instruction and curriculum. Take as many opportunities as you can to experience classroom teaching and work with children.

Although you may feel nervous at your first year but later and during your first efforts on your second year… remember to relax and have fun. Provide the children with something interesting to do and establish clear expectations for during and after the lesson and things should run smoothly.

Revisit your niat why do you choose and stay as a kindergarten teacher. Have a strong azam to become a better teacher as years go by.

Teaching Concepts

Teaching concepts is the key to children’s teaching. If you teach well these concepts will be understood all the way up to primary school. If children do not seem to understand a concept, always ask – How can I present this concept differently? Do the children have the vocabulary to understand this concept? Do I have to backup a few steps? What can I do differently?

Never assume that young children understand what you are asking them to do. Always show them (don’t tell) and then give them hands on experiences. When teaching kindergarten be aware of learning differences and offer a variety of activities and experiences.


Organization Skills

In the process of becoming a kindergarten teacher, learn as much as you can about being organized. Every system you put in place will save you hours of work in the future.

Although it takes a lot of work in your first year, plan the next year in advance. This way you will have plenty of time to order resources, borrow books and DVDs, and organize field trips and classroom visitors for each theme you teach.

Do your lesson well with understanding and putting in thoughts and interesting ways in teaching

Have good storage systems for both your own personal belongings and classroom equipment make it easier for you and your students to clean up and put things away.

Problem solving skills

If something can go wrong it will! Be a creative problem solver. At your first year you may have  a child with special needs in your class. Every well-planned lesson was disrupted. You either get frustrated or go into a creative problem solving mode. Define the problem, and then ask… How can I make this work? In what ways can I solve this problem? What can I do differently? Do I need to ask for help or advice? Avoid blaming at all times, just focus on solving the problem. 

Cultivate patience and a sense of humor

When you are teaching preschool students, cultivate patience and a sense of humor , have fun and cultivate sabar in yourself. Little kids have on days and off days just like teachers. Be patient with your students and with yourself.

Some days your well planned lessons are a flop and other days a spontaneous lesson will evolve from an unexpected source. Be willing to scrap your plans and go with the flow.

Experience can only be gained through trial and error, so when things fall apart, give yourself a pat on the back for effort and start the process of creative problem solving again. Go home, take rest, solat, istighfar and doa to Allah to gove you ilham to teach and to have sabar

Learn to write

Every teaching job involves a lot of writing. Use spell check and a dictionary with all that you publish. Being able to write notices to parents, signs in the classroom, and report cards with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is a vital skill to learn when becoming a kindergarten teacher. If your English skills are weak, get extra help to improve them.

Learning English is not hard, the key thing is do not be shy when you try speaking English with your students. You may learn from theinternet and other resources.

Learn to communicate

Be sure to take courses or workshops on communication if you are not confident. Teachers need excellent listening and communication skills to work with parents, children, and other staff members. Learning how to talk to others in a manner that builds bridges rather than walls is a valuable quality to acquire. Positive talk and professionalism are akhlaq and adab that you need to build a good culture in your kindy.

Some educators find Chris Thompson’s audio books, “Dealing with the terrible twos and beyond, talking to toddlers” to be a great help. Don’t be fooled by the title, or by the fact that the audio books are geared to a parent audience. His techniques work well with children from two to school age and are beneficial to educators as well as parents. Google and find this book or other books that may help you in teaching. Leaders are readers!

Learn to have good time management

Becoming a kindergarten teacher takes hours of work. Even if you love working with children you need to create boundaries to ensure you have a life beyond children or the classroom. Once again, the more systems you put into place, the more time you will have.

Learn to appreciate and work with parents…

In learning how to become a kindergarten teacher, remember parents are an invaluable resource. They are enthusiastic and will help with everything from coordinating field trips to cooking with the children in the classroom. Remember to acknowledge their efforts with verbal and written recognition. Talk to them professionally and have sabar, avoid back biting you may not have barakah in teaching the  child if you do so.

Knowing how children learn best

When teaching kindergarten, remember that children learn best when given things, objects, stuff to learn with (called “concrete objects or manipulatives”in the education world). Multi-sensory experiences are necessary. There are many great educational learning supplies and materials available to teach number sense, classification and other math concepts. You may use lego, blocks and kitchen corner to teach maths and vocabulary.


When teaching kindergarten always use concrete materials

Use science materials Little Caliphs Scientist properly to enhance experiential learning with your students. Trips are very good to show them what you taught in school in applying to  the world. Use the trip the best you can.

Children learn in lots of different ways

Learning styles research tells us that children learn in many ways. Visual learners watch closely when you demonstrate an activity and like to draw and play with shapes and puzzles. Auditory learners understand ideas and concepts because they remember information they have heard, follow spoken directions well and remember songs easily.

Although all children learn through touch, some learn especially well through touch and movement (tactile/kinetic learners). Some children like structure and some learn more easily in an unstructured environment.

When teaching kindergarten be aware of learning differences and offer a variety of activities and experiences. If you want your children busy, happy and on task, give them lessons that offer a variety of kindergarten teaching ideas, different opportunities to learn, and things to touch and discover.

Present concepts in a structured step-by-step way

When concepts are presented in a structured step-by-step process with each step building on previous knowledge, children learn with less effort. Expecting a young child to understand the concept of a water cycle without previous experiences with, and vocabulary about, clouds and rain and links is assuming too much.

Offer step-by-step structured activities and experiences to help kids learn when teaching kindergarten.

Kindergarten children learn when subject areas are integrated

Effective kindergarten teaching occurs when students are offered thematic units rich with content. Important literacy and math concepts can be reinforced as theme content is shared.

Whether by using thematic units or other methods, learning a new concept is easier when it is repeated in many different subject areas.

A child learning about the life cycle of a butterfly may act it out with creative movement and poetry, paint it with a large paper and paint, illustrate and label the stages in science and literacy lessons or listen to related stories and songs.

As a rule, continue kindergarten themes for no longer than 4 weeks. Ask yourself if you are presenting enough “real objects”. Find different story books to make theme story telling interesting .New themes get everyone motivated and enthusiastic.

Learning is developmental

Effective kindergarten teaching happens when teachers remember that children develop physically and progress academically, socially and artistically at different rates.

Just as some children get their first teeth at 4 months and others at 10 months, children’s abilities to observe and process information develops at varying rates. Some four year olds have superb small motor coordination and draw and cut beautifully, but have delayed speech patterns. Other children may be verbally eloquent at four years of age but be physically uncoordinated and be at a scribbling stage in drawing.

Offer open-ended activities to meet the developmental stages of all students. An open-ended activity is any activity that all children can have success with. The more advanced child may add words, a more complex drawing or use a higher level of thinking than a child at an earlier stage of development.

Children need instruction, practice and time to learn new skills and concepts

Why use themes when you teach?

Content rich kindergarten themes:

Benefits of teaching with themes

Teaching with themes encourages students:

It is exciting when children hear concepts repeated in different subject areas and make connections between them.

Teach with real things…and Integrate with Islam

Whenever possible, choose kindergarten themes where real things are available. Our vocabulary syllabus are laid out for you and the lesson plans are done by integrating all the multiple intelligence and VAK methods integrating Islam adab and sunnah in the teaching. If the central idea is the food, cook, visit the nearest grocery store and bring vegetables and even fish and chicken into the class for the day to show the children and discuss . Add also the favourite food of our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w and what does halal food mean. Teach doa and also the adab of eating. Kindergarten children are much more engaged when presented with the real thing. Making good art and craft and interesting posters are showing that actual learning and teaching are happening in the class room. They will stay involved longer in the theme topic if they can use their senses to learn about it.

At young ages, most children are really interactive.  They can’t sit still for very long and have short attention spans.  . One can teach his/her child very naturally about Islam.

Some ideas:

Teach duaas naturally. When you eat have him/her say Bismillah. When he/she goes to the bathroom have them say the duaa. Let them hear you say duaas throughout the day.  Sometimes they amazingly pick up duaas (and some quraan) without formal instruction, by hearing them repeatedly, consistently.

Teach simple adab/hygiene.  Eat with your right hand.  Make istinja after using the bathroom, etc. From experience, it is easier to teach these skills while they are young. When they are older, they get set in their ways and it is more difficult to correct “bad” habits.

Children love to be read to. Read the Quraan, Stories of the Prophets, hadith and talk about what they mean.  Ask them questions about what you read. Answer their questions.  Try to paint pictures in their heads about what you are reading.

Teach them basic aqeedah.  At 18 months I started teaching my youngest daughter and now my youngest son to respond to Where is Allah. Of course they don’t really  understand the meaning at this point, but when I ask him where Allah is, he points to the sky (well, if he is laying down he may point off to the side, but the foundation is being set for when he is older, insha Allah.

Just take your daily routines and remember Allah much and teach them how to do things Islamically.  Explain why you do this and that.  (e.g. We start putting on our shoes, brush our hair with the right because the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) did this.  When you see them eating with their left hand, respond with the quraan or hadith, like, The shaytaan eats with his left).

Those are just some of the ideas that can be shared. Life is full of lots of “teachable” moments that don’t require worksheets and textbooks.  Take advantage of them!

Engage parents

Add “what your child has learnt” on the booklet pages (see top image) to help parents have a conversation with their children about the theme when they take their work home.

Our Little Caliphs Scientist kit should be brought home with a letter to parents so that they may recap the experiment with their child. Encourage them to come to our Fast reading technique Seminar and encourage them to teach reading at home.

Do not wait for parents meet to tell the progress of the children, inform parents for any good development of their child, let them feel happy and that you are really doing a good job in teaching your children

Whatever that you have done in your first or several years that you have been teaching, reflect back and have the azam in your heart to become a better holistic teacher at our beloved Little Caliphs kindergarten

Have a great year ahead Inshaa Allah

Compiled by

Pn Sabariah Faridah Jamaluddin

Founder of TLCP

We can't deny, the way our children learn things these days may be far different from how we used to. They live in a time far advanced, filled with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos, and that is undeniably a big part of their education process.

How to see how different ABC can be for them? 😀 Check this out!

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